Place: Jacksonville, FL 59/80 > Largo, FL 61/83
Main activity: Sat - travel, unpacking, cleaning, exhaustion
Notes: Didn't sleep well and woke 4a and rolled out of bed. On the road by 430a - weird directions from this hotel and long dark miles on back roads (not what I wanted at all). Tired and eyes having issues. Was quite awhile before I ended up on Rte 301 (still small roads and lower speeds). Then 75-S was quite busy and not peaceful at all, windshield needed defrost off and on the whole way, temps cool. Took a long time for it to get light and what a relief. Decided to come thru Clearwater area and hit Whole Foods just as they opened - arrived 808a, got a couple things and on to the complex. Very odd all day, knees hurting carrying things upstairs, then a colossal mess trying to get things unpacked, organized cleaned. Was after 10a until I finally could make my coffee. Long day of tired work, had to clean the whole bathtub and toilet. Kitchen took awhile to get organized. Couldn't decide what to eat - ended up w/ small spinach salad and cauliflower crust pizza (just got from WF). Had some new A2 kefir and blackberries. Made whipped cream for berries and accidentally used the allergy oil (lav, lemon, peppermint) instead of lemon so had to throw the first batch out - was kicking myself. Short nap around 3p and then on Jo's Zoom group 4-6p. Shower and feeling ready for bed before 7p! So weird to be back in this place. Eyes still red, itchy and not seeing well. Back to hot and having to use AC a little. Many batteries tested today! And at least 8 or 9 sirens ...

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