As good as “The Repair Shop”?

I’m currently sorting out all the toys we have in our house. Some that were mine or my brothers, some that were our children's and some that we have here for our grandchildren!

Not many of mine but I did come across this mouse which was complete with a key but had no ears and no tail! So I have given it felt ears and a wool tail and it still works (but just seems to go in circles!) It is good as it winds up and does not rely on batteries like so many toys today.  I’m pleased I did not have to bin it…and did a ‘Repair Shop’ makeover. It was made by Tri-ang in England over 60 years ago! 

Some of the baby toys that I was given by friends or got from charity shops for the grandchildren I am sorting out to take to charity shops as they won’t be needing them any more.

Another job on my list was to repaint some wooden stools which were a bit scruffy. I duly did this today, all in light grey…….4 old laboratory stools in two heights. They are very very sturdy and useful for standing on to reach high cupboards and good for the grandchildren at the dining table.. I got them from the science labs at the school where I taught in the 1990’s when we had new labs which then had new stools with just wooden tops and metal legs. 

So we have a new Prime Minister. Can he sort things out?

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