Not much to report....................

Went to the park for my first thing in the morning walk. It's getting to that time of year when I'm going to have to start wearing my illuminating collar because it's so dark. It's also getting to that time of year when I won't be getting any run about time first thing in the morning. I quite often go to the park first thing for a run about, but Ann won't take me there if it's dark because she's too scared that someone might be lurking around waiting to murder her or me.

After my walk we had arranged to meet our friend Kay for breakfast, but she wasn't feeling that great, so that got cancelled. We were also hoping to meet our poorly friend K, but she wasn't up to having visitors today, so we were at a bit of a loose end.

After Ann had watched a couple of episodes of 'The Watcher' on Netflix, (it's really good if anyone is interested) she said she would take me for an extra walk along the canal so that is what we did. The only trouble with walking along the canal is................... I have to stay on my lead because there's always a lot of cyclists whizzing past us on the tow path.

The plan for this afternoon was................... go to the 'Range' to buy a new chopping board, set of tongs and a rolling pin and then take me to Porty for a run on the beach. Best laid plans and all that........................ When Ann checked the tide times, the tide was going to be all the way in, so do you know what she said?.................... She said, 'Trixie, you've been out for more than 2 hours already so you don't actually need another walk. You can stay home alone and I'm going to go to 'B&M', 'TKmax' and 'Dunelm'. So that is what happened. And when she came home I got a boring walk round the block on my lead.

And that's been our day........................ As I say, nothing to report.

BUT...................... on Saturday night Ann ordered a 'snoodie' on-line and today it arrived. Yay! (see extras). OMG! You wouldn't believe how warm and cosy it is. We haven't got one of those smart meter thingys that tell you how much your electricity costs (we have in our St Ives house) and although we'd like to think that we're financially secure and can afford our electricity bills; what is worrying Ann, is the fact that we might have power cuts over the winter and as we live in an all electric flat, the last thing my human wants is to be cold. She gets very grumpy if she's cold. This 'snoodie' is amazing. It's just like a really warm blanket but it has sleeves and a hood and is fleece lined. Since we came back to Edinburgh a week ago, it's not been particularly cold, but we've had the heating on every evening from about 4pm-ish. Tonight we have NO heating on because Ann is wearing her 'snoodie' and she is toasty warm.

................And in other news; it looks like we've got a new PM.

#RishiSunak #atleastitsnotBoris

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