Hanging out with the youngsters

Ann's very gorgeous nephew, Jack, and his lovely girlfriend, Gabby, are in Edinburgh this weekend. They went out with their friends for breakfast and then we met them all on 'Bruntsfield Links'. The last time I met Joe & Peter was before lock-down and I've never met Joe's girlfriend, Kirsty, before.

However, everyone agreed that I was a very well-behaved little collie pup. And they couldn't believe how super speedy I was when I chased my ball.

And guess what?.......................... Joe and Kirsty are going to take me for a walk sometime.  Yay!

When I was a weeny, teeny, little puppy in 2019, Ann worked really hard on my training so that I grew into a confident, secure little collie pup. Unfortunately lock down meant that Ann had to cancel three holidays (when other people would have been looking after me) and now she has no desire to go abroad or leave me with anyone else. Lock-down has turned Ann into a bit of a neurotic collie pup mummy and she knows it's not healthy?! When she was ill a couple of months ago, she had no one to take me out when she had no energy.

Realistically, we really do need someone who could take me out for a decent walk if Ann wasn't able to. And yay! Joe actually volunteered. And Kirsty was thinking about signing up to the 'Borrow my doggie' scheme. How good is that? I think they'd be ideal dog sitters for me. Ann's hoping, they can take me for a walk in the next couple of weeks. …...........Watch this space!!!

This afternoon Ann went out to do a 'Meet & Greet', (Jack & Gabby are on their way back to Derbyshire) and when she came home, I went for a little trek around on my lead in the pouring rain. It's still raining, but I'm happily snoozing in my bed.

Happy Sunday evening Blippers. xxx

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