Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I have seen the past

And it still works.

The repurposed Battersea power station is now a gigantic temple of consumerism. Very well done. Very British - shopping whilst we go down the pan. But the architecture and the history are awesome. Nice to see some of the original features retained. No-one wants to see a blot on the landscape falling apart.

On which subject - just along the river at Westminster - Rishi Sunak was anointed as the unelected leader of Britain today. The last disaster was appointed by a couple of hundred thousand mad old tories in the country at large. This one didn’t even have to go head to head with anyone. Gissa job …

TSM and I had a nice walk along the river and some very very nice curry under the railway arches at Vauxhall. Lovely sunny day. 14,000 steps.

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