Belton House

It's a turn-around for the books here. I spent the day working and the husband is on half term duty. Swimming this morning then straight up to Belton House for plenty of running around.  The husband has loved his day (good, he has the whole week to do), but I think it's a bit of a surprise how hard work it is.  Realised the great thing about me working is that he gets to spend more time with the boys one on one, normally I would automatically take the lead for any holidays. 

Quiet day at work for me, which was nice as I could be around as soon as they got back, so I didn't feel I'd missed out on too much. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Finding some 'lost' washing in tumble dryer, sadly, it was still wet and very smelly, so I must have had grand idea's about drying a while ago! 
Work, enjoying it (phew!) 
Getting some things sorted around the house that we've been putting off and need doing

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