Dear diary

3years 197days I convinced my grandad and granny to go swimming for the first time in well over 10 years. I was excited about it since Friday night when it was first discussed. i wasnt interested in anything else today might offer until we were going there. And had a very exciting time. love Katie

she really did have super serious excitement all day. She had a couple of hours playing with granny and grandad at their house. When I came home she curled up for half an hours sleep in my arms before her and I got I the train to Bridlington. We met granny and grandad with the plan to picnic by the beach. She was not impressed by the plan of anything other than swimming. For the fourth time in 5 days!

She hugely impressed me in the pool- it's a wave pool and she was brilliant with it. She watched the waves and as they came she turned and swam with it, loving the waves going over her. She also had lots of turns on the slide too. She was jumping into the pool from the side. With the extra that the water was about 2 feet below the side.

We got changed etc and sat down for a picnic. She said her tummy hurt (actually she said the music from the beach rides were making it hurt) and that she wanted to sleep. So despite it being 345, she's curled on my knee asleep again.

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