New wheels!

3years 196days

Busy but good day today!! Katie slept in longer than mummy today. But we were out the house by 745 as we had decided we wanted to go swimming again. We had a great swim together. Turns out, it's possible to get up dressed, cycle to the pool, swim for an hour, have a cooked breakfast in the cafe and still be 10 minutes early for church!

For the first time ever during the first bit of church she went to sit with some of the other girls while I sat with the Cousins. She did some serious dancing in Sunday school apparently and has come away singing a new song. She played hide and seek with all the other children after church.

She's had a lovely couple of hours with friends today. Playing in the park and just being well behaved friends together. I met her with the bike and we went home to get our things before a quickish ride to the station for a bank holiday night away. She is still rather excited by our shiny new bike!

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