The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Bubble On A Hill

Dear O'H dear and The Normals,

You don’t see vans like this at home!

We just had a chilled day in Lovely Tea Jenny’s house. It is so quiet up on the hill, overlooking the bay that it feels like we are in a bubble. One of LTJ’s neighbours is building on the section next to her. He waved in and I had a very confused moment of “Oh, he can see me”. It was somehow a complete surprise that her windows were 2 way!

Lil Dude was being very cute today but decided that daytime naps were not high on his agenda. It’s understandable, he clearly has baby FOMO and wants to be around for all the chat!

Which is exactly what we spent the evening doing. It’s so nice to be able to do this in person for a while instead of on the phone.


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