Pushing the Boat Out

A different venue this morning for breakfast with HL’s palliative care nurse. We meet every few months in the Ivy on the Square  which today was unusually empty when I arrived, possibly because I was early trying to miss the rain. It’s always a cheery and highly entertaining  meeting despite her occupation and we manage to stay the course until they start setting the lunch tables around us and giving us meaningful looks.

Walking home I managed to reach the top of the Mound without meeting any flocks of tourists or crocodiles of language students. That is a first for many months. Maybe things are calming down now as we are almost into November. 

As I crossed Princes Street, I noticed a man with a serious camera hunched down taking a picture of a puddle at close quarters. My only thought was he was a Blipper. Sometimes we are driven to extraordinary lengths to get something in the can.

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