Droning On

It would have been  rude not to accept an early birthday voucher for Hotel Chocolate and so anxious was I to be polite that I rushed down to Frederick Street to claim the spoils as soon as the shop opened this morning. 

On my way back along Princes Street, there was a notice outside M&S saying ‘DRONE IN ACTION’ and so there was, way up above the building. 
An inconspicuous man twiddling buttons on a device stood at the edge of the pavement and was so intent on guiding the drone that I didn’t like to ask what was happening. My hunch is it was taking pictures of the M&S roof because I had seen a water leakage inside the building. Either that or it was doing a survey in connection with the refurbishment of the Jenners Building. Nobody other than me seemed remotely interested in looking skyward- so no apparent Blippers present then, looking to get their daily fix!

The day was dark and the sky a solid gun metal grey until suddenly the  covering peeled away and the sun came out. It is a lovely mild afternoon now and I am about to meet up with my granddaughter and have a coffee together. She is back from Uni this week to write some essays and fancies a break.

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