
By Madchickenwoman

Fabulous Fungi!

car went in for it's MOT and service today - it's a long but lovely walk back and Nellie joined me - with Oscar of course! He enjoyed the walk - particularly when we came across two guinea fowl! They were less pleased to see him and made quite a racket! Once we got into the woods we came across two wonderful groups of fungi  (is there a name for lots of the same species in a large group? Mycrobiota?) I'm thinking pennybun might know! If you look at the blip in large I even got a spiders web in the photo- I hadn't spotted it when I took the photos!They were both growing on fallen tree trunks - the ones in the third extra were next to the log in the second extra!! They were covered in another white fungi?I tried to look it up  but  I fell down a fungi rabbit hole - what a complex world fungi are! Nellie slithered down the bank to get a closer look and Oscar followed her - he doesn't like people separating! he Once back at mine we had a coffee and then she set off home to pick me up later to take me back to the garage to collect my car! It passed the MOT but had to have the front exhaust repaired and within the next year brakes and wheels will need replacing!! Ouch!
Unfortunately my IBS decided to kick off in the afternoon and continued all evening. I watched Bake Off with a hot water bottle! It may have been because I didn't eat much the previous day - my Gousto box wasn't delivered and after  several emails it turns out the box was damaged in transit and was returned to them! Would have been good to have been informed of this  so I could have shopped for alternative food! I suspect the damaged box was a lie from the delivery company! I had checked the tracking of it on their site and they had received it so it would have been delivered to them intact! It was a new firm, EVRi that has taken over Hermes. My Calstock village Facebook page has frequently posts about items delivered to the wrong address. Hermes operates by delivering packages to a local resident who then delivers them on. I'm not sure what area this "local" person covers but they don't seem to know Calstock! As my box has to be delivered within 24 hours due to the perishable nature of the contents, I suspect the person failed to deliver it and simply bashed the box and returned it! Am I being too suspicious?!! If my delivery next week doesn't arrive I will be informing Gousto that they either find another delivery company or lose my custom!!

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