Spread a Bit of Sunshine

The weather took a turn for the worse. It was rainy and chilly this morning. Our BIL needed batteries and doggie treats so we hopped in his truck and headed to town. I found several stocking stuffers in two of the stores we shopped. Grabbed more sour cream and chips for the crew. We had lunch at their favorite Chinese buffet. They certainly provided a huge variety of dishes. Everyone agreed there would be no dinner offered tonight. It was windy and colder when we got back so our BIL lit the fireplace. Perfect conditions for a nap. I hunted for a blip in my sister’s gardens. This year’s nasturtiums are the “running” variety and they are living up to their name. I am so humbled by your response to my anniversary blip. Thank you immensely. Stay safe. “Nasturtiums, who colored you, you wonderful, glowing things? You must have been fashioned out of summer sunsets.”
— L.M. Montgomery

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