I Am Next!

Awake early, read for a few hours and slept til 8:30. This morning, the outside temp was in the mid-forties F. It has since warmed up to be another beautiful day. My BIL called me down to look at the turkeys. We have 11 hens and at least five gobblers that roam around all day. I saw a bobcat while birdwatching. My sister tried to get a photo but the cat was way too fast. We have three jays and at least one red bellied woodpecker who try to dominate the feeders. Also had mocking birds, tons of nuthatch and titmice, purple finches, juncos, chickadees, sparrows, etc. They put on quite a show. This Jay had been driven from the feeder and was waiting for the two arguing about who had to leave, to settle down. The photo has a little pink honeysuckle as my attempt to remind folks it is breast cancer awareness month. Our immediate family has been spared that dreadful disease but we have cousins and in-laws who have fought and beat it. I made chicken salad, spaghetti sauce and vegetable beef soup. Those hearty dishes should keep us warm in the evenings. The men have ridden their bikes a lot today. You want to make every moment count this time of year. My sister went with them for a bit to blip hunt. Thanks again for all those hearts, stars and comments. The cell service is so limited. I may get to read one or two journals before the connection drops. Stay safe and enjoy your days. “Every bird, every tree, every flower reminds me what a blessing and privilege it is just to be alive.” – Marty Rubin

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