The day to start is today

By Traci

There is a difference between giving up

and knowing when you have had enough.

Hope everyone has had a share of the most beautiful sunshine today. Down to the reservoir where we knew it wouldn't be too busy. It is a privilege to live in a slightly touristy area - but you do know when to stay home!! Our hop along daughter toddled round part of the way on her crutches and her sisters took pups round for a good long walk and a bit of a chit chat with numerous varieties of dogs (with owners) that were out for the morning. Not good for the sailing boats as the wind wasn't too good to get them round , but good for all the walkers and cyclists.

Now to write a note to school to explain what's wrong with youngest's foot and that she can't do pe for awhile, and that she isn't to sit down cross legged in assembly of any other time, because as we have found out it can be quite hazardous :/

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