The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Up (to the) North (Island)

Dear Lovely Tea Jenny and The Normals,

I flew from Christchurch to Wellington this morning and was AMAZED by how much easier navigating an airport is here. I was through security in less than 5 mins!

I had just switched on my phone when I arrived and the messages from O’H Dear started…

“Are you here?”

“Did you land?”


“I am at the baggage place making a tit of myself”

“Are you having a waz?”

(I was indeed having a wazz!)

I was a bit confused by the making a tit of himself message until I saw him. With a sign which made me burst out laughing!

We had a lovely afternoon sitting in Duke’s bar. Catching up over a drink felt like the most normal thing in the world as if it hadn’t been 5 years since the last one. And was on the other side of the planet. The bar is near O’H Dear’s office so his friends Fazzy, Ellie and AJ popped in to say “hi”. I recognised both Fazzy and Ellie from blips as soon as they walked in. I was a bit nervous (because new people) but it was nice to meet my friend’s whanau whom I have heard so much about (and Ellie is hilarious).

We went to Master Kong for dinner with Jefe & Manda who are really nice people and great company, although we did accidentally order about a million chicken wings (the waiter misled us and said that the portions were small - they weren’t).

We were pretty tired after dinner so we headed for the train. We had just missed one and had 20 mins to kill so we decided to have a quick drink…and missed the next one because we were so busy blethering! Mrs O’H Dear kindly picked us up in Paraparaumu and took me to my motel.

It is lovely catching up with with my friends. Now, if I could just move NZ a bit closer…


*I did joke afterwards that I could have just walked past him.

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