The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear Lovely Tea Jenny and The Normals,

O’H Dear and I met for breakfast. “What would you like to do?” he asked when we’d finished. “I’d like to walk to the beach” I answered.

I could tell that this was as appealing as toenails on toast but I knew that he would go along with it. Also I had the “I have travelled many miles to see you card” up my sleeve if he didn’t! And there was the reward of coffee and cake when we got there.

Mrs O’H Dear joined us in the cafe, Ambiance for the start of a lovely chilled afternoon. We wandered along the beach before heading to the O’H Dear residence where Mrs O’H Dear taught us a new card game. Skip bo which I am definitely going to buy and inflict on my family when I get home! I love getting to see where my friends live and to have a snapshot of their lives.

We went to a Mexican restaurant, Hola for dinner and had a really good night. I’m not sure O’H Dear got a word in edgeways but he assured me that he was quite happy listening!

We were having such a good night that all of a sudden it was almost 10 pm which would have been fine, except that Mrs O’H Dear is a new driver so there is a 10 pm curfew. O’H Dear suggested that I could drive until I reminded him that I’d had 3 drinks and that driving over the limit was also against the rules!

It has been a great couple of days catching up (albeit too short). Just easy, the way it should be.


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