Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Thursday — Birthday Card

This card arrived from my Sis in today's mail -- when I open it the cake opens and the song “Just the Way You Are” plays.

Our parents gave us the greatest gift when they gave us each other. All of our grandparents and both of our parents are dead. My sis is the only living person who has known me since I was born. She validates my history. I treasure our relationship. We share the haunting power of memories; they're more forceful than any force could be.

A birthday card-a-day for the entire month from October 17 to November 17th is one of the ways my older and only sister honors and treats me for my birthday.

Because I’m not sure where I am going to be this whole month -- California's Central Coast or SoCal -- it’s a little difficult this year for my sis to keep the tradition going BUT she is doing a fabulous job.

Rosie (with Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

P.S. My sister gets the card at

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