Big banana

We went out on a walk this afternoon as I was a little grumpy and finally the rain stopped for a while.  Although the jedi knows that this is a tree , he kept shouting " a big banana mummy,  monkey like banana " . I have no idea what goes on inside his wee head. The bigger wildlings were running around after each other and playing pretend play the whole way around.  

This morning thanks to blipper Annieone,  she had made shortbread and it really put me in the mood for it. It's certainly not as pretty as hers, but it tastes delicious:) . 

I emailed my surgeon,  he said the receptionist didn't call him, but he's sure it's just a setback and will settle down. He said it would take a massive kick to undo his work. So fingers crossed it starts to settle down. 

The wildlings have got a very busy day tomorrow incase I get behind with blip. 2 more sleeps and they go back to school and I can take Carson back to his playgroup on Monday.  

I have a big birthday coming up next week and Mr R keeps asking what I want. We'll you all know I like a practical gift so I keep asking for a ladder that's tall enough to get me into the loft.  The one we have is short and I can't pull myself anymore with my arm. And his response........ foff.  So he's going to give me cash for a tattoo.  I just wish my tattoo guy would get back to me. I'm so impatient.  

Happy weekend.  X 

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