Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A room with a view

This is the view I woke up to this morning when I looked out the bedroom window. Wow, isn't it beautiful? This is the Cathedral Peak region
of the Drakensberg Mountains, and you can clearly see the peak named The Bell. Gavin and I had a short walk before breakfast, and by the time we finished breakfast it had clouded over. The forecast for today was rain and a high of 13C - quite a change from the 27C yesterday when we left the game reserve in Mkhuze. It actually was not as cold as the forecast which was good as I was wearing shorts! (Did not pack much warm clothing for the SA summer!)

After breakfast my niece Bianca, her husband Kev (with two year old Harvey in a baby pack) and I went for a hike to a nearby falls. My sister looked after the baby and Gavin has worked all day. In the extra you can see the area where we hiked, the vegetation in the valleys is where you find Fynbos, which are shrubs indigenous to South Africa which include Drakensberg proteas.

By the time we had lunch it was raining and low cloud had descended, and it was cool. We spent the afternoon just lazing about, sitting in my sisters room (while Gavin worked in our room), I was editing my photos from the game reserve and everyone else was busy with the babies' naps and feeding routines. It has been a lovely restful day.

Apologies for not being active on journals but I don't want to spend time on Blip when I am having limited time with my family.

Now to get ready for supper...

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