The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Windy Welly

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Normals,

I spent a lovely day in Wellington with Punter, Poppy and their kids. Punter is a good friend of The Prince and the main reason we visited New Zealand the first time when he moved here 20 years ago. He always reminds me of Jack from Still Game and is equally funny.

Within minutes he was mimicking Poppy’s Kiwi accent and answering “Yiss”. “Don’t start,” she sighed, “just because you have another Scottish person here” but obviously we couldn’t help laughing when she said “six” later on. It’s just never going to get old!

We went for lunch and then Punter took me on a sightseeing tour on the car for a couple of hours before I had to head to the airport. We went to the lookout on Mount Victoria and I needed no reminder of why its nickname is Windy Wellington. I thought I was going to get blown off but the views were worth it and I got to see a Tūī.

I have promised Punter that The Prince will come next time and it will be for longer. And that it won’t be another 20 years.


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