
By dunkyc

The Char Man Cometh

This is Phil.

Of our party of four, he is the one that knows Coniston like no other. He should too. He has lived there all his life (so far) and knows everybody in the village and everybody knows him.

He talks nineteen to the dozen and has time for everyone. He is also one of the hardest working people I know and each year he takes time out from his business to join us on the lake to talk rubbish, eat appallingly (mostly - click the link for superb stone cooked bacon and burgers) and to try to catch some fish.

As part of his reward for working hard he bought himself a boat a couple of years back with a view to setting it up for char fishing. He has accomplished that and now likes nothing better than taking us out on it in turn and explaining how to fish for char - which are notoriously difficult to catch! He does it all with endless enthusiasm and passion.

Here are the spoils of his efforts.

To see the other photos of our weekend on the water click here.

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