a favourite place

I love this place, it has the same kind of openness that the coastline of Pembrokeshire has. It feels like it has enough space. Often Switzerland feels like it has too much in it but this place, this place is nice and empty.

Right now I'm listening to a programme about premature babies. Since I've had the privilege to share the journey of a little boy who was born very, very early and have seen what his life has involved so far I can't help but be in awe of the medical care, the science, the technology, the medical staff, the parents and siblings who are involved in letting these tiny, tiny people live the best life they can. Some of these babies are lucky and go on to live totally normal lives. Others need more care for their whole life. The programme raises interesting ethical questions and statistical facts relating to those ethics. I used to have answers to those questions, before the subject became more personal. Now I don't have any answers anymore.

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