alright cock?

the chickens were more enthusiastic about the hippy-shit grains than the children were. I guess I won't be buying them again. It's fair enough really, I mean, one had to chew them and they weren't meat. What on earth was I thinking of?

Joe Cocker still hasn't quite worked out what he's here for and spends his life thinking that he's scaring the dog, not realising that the dog thinks that the fence round the chickens is electrified and he's actually scared of that...but at least they are all entertained by each other. The dog gets a bit stressed at times though, trying to divide his attention between making sure the rabbits behave, barking at all cyclists AND staring at the cockerel. Sometimes he has to go and lie down and forget about it all.

Talking about dividing time between various exhausting things, today a random comment from someone made me wonder how on earth people manage to have enough energy to have affairs? The thought of fitting something else into my life isn't all that attractive and, I assume, affairs take up quite a lot of energy. However, I wouldn't know because I've never had one....and besides the energy thing, there's all that training of new person to behave properly and resisting them trying to change me. Gawd, it doesn't bear thinking about.

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