Squirrel Nutkins

I think I may be developing PSDS- post Stobo distress syndrome. Coming back home after being cosseted for 3 days in luxurious surroundings feels like being dropped with a thud into the real world.

Still, it’s fairly warmish and the sun is out so that a stroll round George Square Gardens after a shop at Lidl was something of a diversion from the same old. The ground was thick with fallen leaves and the destruction of the ground by the Fringe shenanigans is still there but not too obvious.

My squirrel hardly seemed bothered by my presence as he sat eating his breakfast. There are lots of squirrels in the area but unfortunately only grey ones.

I do miss the company of my daughters after having them for 72 hours all to myself as it were; I don’t know when we’ll all be together again. Gone are the days when families lived close by each other. I’m not sure if the saying ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ is designed to make one feel less bereft.

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