
By LadyFindhorn

Lunch at Valvona & Crolla

The fastest mode of transport in the centre of Edinburgh these days is by shanks’s pony and I decided that was the way to get to Valvona and Corolla at the top of Leith Walk to meet Blethers and Himself for our annual lunch. If you travel by public transport it’s any one’s guess how slow that will be and a car is out of the question because not only is the route even slower than the buses but there is nowhere to park that doesn’t cost a day’s wages if you are lucky to find a space at all.

We had a very tasty lunch with an Italian flavour. Blethers was all for talking to the waitress in Italian, just a pity the waitress didn’t speak the lingo. We had a very jolly time, these two are always great company, and before you could say ‘buon appetito’ we were finished and saying ‘arrivederci’ before departing on our separate ways- they to collect grandchildren from school and me to make my 3rd and final Christmas cake. 
It’s been a good day and to make matters even better,  the sun shone maybe for the last time this week

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