
I’m not quite sure what James is dressed as but Thomas seems to be a werewolf. #3 daughter improvised costumes for Ella and Nathaniel aka Killer Cat at Devil Boy. She made a cake that looked like brains by rolling icing and covering it in jam.

I’m not keen on the Americanisation of our own customs - in Scotland and the north of England we, and our children too, went “guising”. Costumes were simple and it was mandatory to recite a poem, or tell a story or joke before being given a sweetie or an apple from neighbours. No “trick or treat”. Pumpkins weren’t around then - we used turnips (called swedes in England) for our lanterns but I will concede that pumpkins are a lot easier to carve out.

At home it has been quiet. Blurb has agreed to process another Iceland book (due to arrive 3 weeks ago) for me when I said I was reluctant to make more with them, given the poor service from their carrier FedEx.

I’ve finally managed get round to ironing my summer clothes ready for the next trip.

A friend in Suffolk contacted me to say she’s had a mastectomy - same breast as she had a lump removed from 17 years ago. I couldn’t believe it was so long ago when she came to stay with us on convalescence leave. Another friend is off for a hip replacement - her sister paid £20,000 for it as there was a 2 year waiting list and she’s 80 in great pain. Gosh this ageing is not a bundle of fun for some.

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