Wet In Llangollen

I was invited to play in a golf open at Llangollen which I accepted readily as it is a lovely place to play. We woke to a very wet day but after confirming that it was still going on we set off. The weather improved as we drove there and was quite dry when we started off. One of the ladies I was playing with is over 80 and has recently had a stroke but can still play a round of golf. Unfortunately on the first hole she put her ball in a ditch. Being kind and looking after my elders I was getting it out for her when I heard my name called with a high degree of urgency. I turned to see my trolley complete with bag and clubs just tipping into a lake to the side of the green. I don't know how I got to the edge of the lake but I did and we lay or knelt just managing to grab some part of the bag. Fortunately the straps held round the trolley and although the straps holding the batterey in place came apart the connection held and we were able to get it all onto dry land again. Miraculously the battery still worked despite its ducking and when we had a heavy but short shower a little later everything was so wet I didn't really care.
Footnote. I was cursing because I had forgotten to take my camera on the course with me as there are some great blipping opportunities one being the said lake with a fountain in the middle but I was eternally thankful that I had left it in my handbag as I don't think it would have survived a dip. Who says golf is boring?

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