Flying Saucer

Busy silly today. Started off with appointment to see friend a.m. . Then another friend’s parents over from Italy and wanted to see us and only had today free. So saw them a.m., and swapped other friend to the afternoon. Then G upstairs asked me for tea. So as I said busy silly day - but fun. Couldn’t do that too often.

Very windy. Nearly got blown over twice in Southbourne
No photos, so here’s one I took just now of a flying saucer.

Made Mr B 2 lamb shanks in the Ninja. Pressure cooked 30 mns. Then reduced the juices for 10mns. Followed by 20mns roasted. Smelt delicious. Not for vegans tho’. I had a haricot bean casserole made with whatever I could lay my hands on.

Blip for Wide on Wednesday. Thanks steveng. “Structural Geometrics”

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