
By Rebekah

Vitamin D Overdose

I've well and truly given up with Musical May. I lasted a grand total of 4 days... which is better than 0 days, I suppose :)

The weather was beautiful today. I decided to spend the day revising at home, in the garden, rather than cooping myself up in the library for the day like a little light-avoiding gremlin. And so happy I am for doing that. I got some solid work done from 8-3 (split up only by a quick break to make a pasta bake, mmm).

Then Ryan arrived! He came up to Leam to visit for the day/de-stress me from this final 3rd year panic. We picked up some ice lollys from Tescos and wandered down to Jephson Gardens in Leamington- we sat by the river for a couple of hours, me working and him drawing. I can't begin to describe how nice it was to see him, and the sun made it a really happy and chilled out day :)

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