Red . . . and Yellow

I noticed Crab Apples making a splash of yellow in the hedgerows and, when I took a photo, Gordon commented that I could also include the Rose Hips close by. I was surprised, as he doesn't usually see red things, but they obviously reminded him of being a child at primary school and gathering rose hips -apparently they got paid depending on how many they collected. 

This was the fifties and early sixties, so not long after the war and at a time when there was concern about the health of children (imagine that now!!). So we assume the rose hips were going to make syrup. Then we remembered having the orange juice which was collected from the clinic and was very strange stuff. Then there was cod liver oil . . . 

The day started with a mist covering everything. Eventually the sun came out and the mist lifted. It was the first day that actually felt cold. 

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