A Smart Platform For Drinking, London

A totally exhausting day work wise with urgent photography late into the afternoon. This wasn't helped by the particular British disease of poor management (put the bigmouth ego in charge (nearly always a "billy big bollocks" man, that' ll work!), shit organisation and lack of proper admin (a boring but totally necessary and important job that is always underestimated by those in charge) that creates a toxic brew of passing the buck, unnecessary delays and simmering exasperation.
In the end, by the skin of my teeth, I got everything done that I needed to get done. My mood wasn't helped by the suspension of the rail strikes planned for the next few days. I had Monday booked as an unpaid leave day but will now have to drag myself in as usual at the start of the week.
Everything is forgiven, though, because I so enjoy the last trains home of the week. Less stress, less overcrowding and knowing I have two full days to unwind and relax.
I took today's image on the way into work, which is very unusual for me. I'm usually in full stride mode to get into work before it hits nine o'clock.
Hope you all have a great and restful weekend.

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