The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Always Blow On The Pie

Dear O'H dear and The Normals,

Lovely Tea Jenny’s sister, Ayla came over this evening and we ordered food from Super, a restaurant where the food is indeed super!

We had a bottle of wine with dinner but then had a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling wine. I have had the misfortune to have alcohol free wine before and it was as palatable as rats p1ss, possibly even less so, but this stuff was really nice and I would genuinely never have been able to tell.*

The three of us had a really nice evening. I really liked Ayla’s company**. It’s lovely to see how close her and LTJ are.


*Although I may never admit this to Kitty Cat in case she bars me from her house!

**And as part of my Kiwi cultural awareness, she showed me the viral “Aways blow on the pie” video.

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