Place: St Pete Beach, FL 73/85
Main activity: Sat - Bette, around the house
Notes: Couldn't get to sleep until nearly 1a and awake ~ 530a. To Bette's by about 9a and we went to the Christmas fundraiser for St Alban's (on Blind Pass) and then drove thru Vina for the neighborhood yard sales. Didn't stop at any. I got back just before noon. Little time at the pool and then ate. Doing stuff around the house and suddenly realized the power was out - showered in the meantime to use water while it was hot (stayed off about an hour). Took that opportunity to reset all the clocks at the new time for tomorrow (hour back). Quiet rest of the day, went thru some clothes as it looks like I'll be moving to Bette's some and putting things in storage again. 

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