
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 54/77
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, around the house
Notes: Woke early (went to bed early) and got up around 545a (1 hr back), changed all the clocks, did 2 loads of laundry. Was starting to get light out then so headed out on the bike, road from here instead of putting on the truck and driving. A bit cool but not bad and did 10 solid miles in light traffic (LOVE Sunday mornings and espec when turning the clocks back as much fewer on the roads - prob my fave bike day of the year). Shower and coffee and sat down 8a to watch shows and CBS Sun Morning show at 9a. Made bone broth after cooking the chicken yesterday so strained and bottled that. Around 11a, was wanting food so made eggs w/ zucchini and Ezekiel toast. Morning fb on in Germany (KC vs Miami) and watched a fair amount of that. Later, prepped my cauliflower and steamed most, roasted the rest and then made cauliflower mash from the steamed. Warmed up a bit of the chicken, carrots and brussels from yesterday and added a bit of kale salad w/ a NA beer. Football much of the day on Redzone, quiet and relaxing - waves of tired kept passing thru. Talked to Al in the evening (I'd called him but again he didn't answer). Dark early, sunset 544p - wow! Football was mostly boring and I was tired early ...

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