Growing old disgracefully



The wild flowers were falling over each other for attention today. I 'm blipping some of the tiny ones, wood sorrel, dog violet and moschatel. The dandelions, kingcups and celandine will have to wait for a yellow theme on another day.

It has been, and still is, the sort of day that May is all about: warm, lush, bursting with surprises round each corner. The Prof and I sweated our way to the top of the hill and might still have been sitting there had we had the forethought to bring eats and drinks.

Long afternoon in the garden, hanging out a huge wash, hoeing beds, planting beans, lazily listening to the birdsong. Lovely evening with the group at our monthly meditation evening. Was feeling quite chilled until the Professor came home in his harlequin waistcoat, wearing a sailor hat and playing a kazoo.

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