autumn colours

I was happily stuck into some gardening this morning when I heard what sounded like the "toot toot" of a train whistle, which is very odd since the last train to pass through the Cairn Valley did so well before I was born. I went down the drive to look and saw a stream of tractors coming along the road with their lights flashing. It was (I found out later) a Tractor Run organised by the Lower Nithsdale Young Farmers, with 94 tractors taking part on a 26.7 mile circular route. It was a great spectacle (so long as you weren't in a car coming the other way..)

Later on, Joanna and I went on a walk, not as planned by the River Nith, since the Nith had overflowed its banks, but up at Dalswinton where we knew our feet would stay dry. Amazingly, we stayed dry as well, right up to the moment when we arrived back at the car park, when the heavens opened.

I was very pleased to see this man and his dog, obligingly wearing bright autumn colours and passing right into the sweet spot of my photo :-)

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