
By bivbov

R.I.P shoes

I have a lot of running shoes! These guys have been in use for a year now, and their useful life is over (and they smell really bad!)

I used to do a lot more running than I do now, so I would have more shoes in rotation in the past. Until today I had these and a newish pair of Adidas Boston Boost. I usually wear one pair in as I’m wearing one pair out, but the weather has been so awful that it has disrupted my routine.

The pair in the photo were really wet after yesterday’s run, and the new pair haven’t had a soaking. I dried the old pair out to wear today, (not wanting to get the new ones wet), but as I went to put them on I noticed the soles coming away at the forefoot. So…..I had to wear my good shoes in torrential rain…..and a coat!!! 10.5 miles running through rivers of water almost calf deep….but the boy’s rugby training was called off :-/

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