Double Shot Mummy


First Nursery Trip with Mummy

Even though I am still feeling a little 'hungover' from the head banging/fainting incident. I couldn't not go on Oscar and Bailee's first school trip. The twins were so excited. Oscar was going to have his dream fulfilled; to ride on a yellow school bus. Mummy was just relieved they had car seats in them. The look on his face when he sat down on the seat- absolute sparkle and joy!

The theme was a Teddy Bears' Picnic at Umm Suqeim Park right next to the Burj Al Arab. Bailee chose to take 'Pink Bear', and Oscar 'Banana' the monkey. Both treasured gifts from their friends Amber and Adam's birthday celebrations. It was a sweltering 35 degrees, (A low for this time of year in Dubai), so it was nice to be in the shade under the trees! I made the twins egg/mayo sandwiches. Bailee was repulsed; Oscar loved them. They also had blueberry muffins, a banana and a dried fruit mix as well as plenty of cold water.

It was lovely to get to know their teacher a bit better and meet some of the other parents too. The children had a blast at the play ground. I couldn't believe that one of them had never been to a playground before!

Both Oscar and Bailee were very confident with the other children, and were able to be their usual, energetic, adorable selves. It is interesting to see Bailee especially enjoy the company of the adults and Oscar more so with the children. I liked that their personalities were able to shine. We only stayed an hour as it was getting too hot, but we all had a great time.

This will be one of those little memories etched in my heart forever (However soppy it may seem).

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