Double Shot Mummy


Raindrops and Dora Plasters

There was wind and very light rain in Dubai this afternoon. Always a novelty for everyone.... delivery services close down and traffic piles up.

Bailee hasn't had a nap for two days. After enduring a few nights of her insistently and repeatedly demanding a "New Dora plaster" (This involves taking the current one off, only to demand a new one replace it, and again and again.... the things we parents do!) It was taking until at least 830pm for her to fall asleep, so I thought maybe we should try no naps.

She has done very well. Yesterday there were no signs of tiredness. Today both Oscar and Bailee were exhausted by 545 but I managed to keep them up until 630pm. We had our usual stories (Bailee's turn today), and they were both out to it, without a mention of a Dora plaster :-)

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