Up Collafirth Hill
A lovely sunny morning, bit more cloud in the afternoon, and a breezy evening. A couple of light showers didn't come to much.
I didn't sleep well with the pains in my legs last night, woke later than usual. I finally got going, and washing out after breakfast. Peerie Brian took me and Sammy for a run up north in the late morning, and then popped along Whiteness Hall for Sunday Teas. Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a cuppa in the afternoon. Met up with friend Julie for walkies before teatime. A quieter night working in the shop. More walkies, then feet up. Hopefully get a better night sleep tonight.
We took a chance heading up the hill with the car today, thankfully there has been resurfacing done to the road, the climb was still steep. Lovely views from above, towering well over 230 metres, but visibility wasn't the best today. This is one of two masts at the top, one of which serves TV signals, and probably mobiles too. It's a wild landscape up here, not a place to fool around in when it's bad weather. Taken at the top of Collafirth Hill, Northmavine.
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