Third Night o Mirrie Dancers

A beautiful calm and sunny day, with a calm and clear evening.  Chilly tonight.

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  Mostly working on the check-in desk, but meet and boarded a couple of flights, and some time with oil and gas flights.  Nipped along Laura's on my way home.  Met friend Julie for walkies this evening, and popped by Madeline's.  Another walk before bed.  Early night. 

Day three of Mirrie Dancers aka Northern Lights, and I finally managed to see them.  The last couple of nights were definitely a better show, but still always good to see them regardless.  Mostly green light, with a hint of red, sadly didn't get to see the purples like folk saw yesterday.  The sky lit up above Berry Farm, Scalloway.  

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