How to earn pocket money

I am trying to instil a sense in James that money doesn't grow on trees and that he can't have everything he wants all of the time (i.e. I am not going to pay for everything!).

So a couple of weeks ago, we drew up this list of common jobs that I have to do, as a result of things that he doesn't do (tidying up his own toys etc) and the deal is that if he does these things without being asked, then he earns pocket money. Seems reasonable.

So after a long day at work and a 4 hour drive from Bury to Crewe to Warrington (bloody bank holidays - how dare people drive on holiday with caravans when I am trying to get to pick up my boy!), I came home and decided to tidy up and then do the shopping at Asda. James friend had come round within five minutes of us getting home, so they went off and played, whilst I did the full weekly shop at empty Asda in 30 minutes (its great at 9pm).

Imagine my surprise, and joy, when I got back to find James and Jack rushing to the door, Jack carrying bags into the kitchen and James starting to unpack the shopping. We managed to sort it all out, unpacked, put away and eat egg custard tarts, in less than 5 minutes, and had fun whilst we were at it.

Spent some more time on my big painting this evening.

Nice hour at dad's before coming home earlier - respite from the traffic - and well needed. Ta Dad (and thanks for the CD)

Half term now - week off. Off to see Spongebob Squarepants - The musical, at the Liverpool Empire tomorrow afternoon. And apart from a visit to the register office to give our notice of marriage on Tuesday, not much else planned (maybe wedding dress hunting!)

Tired (BP is back down to 85/54 and has remained there since 7.30 this morning - dizziness is not good). Sleeeeeeeeeepy time.

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