Drippy Flower
Beautiful sunny day - just glorious. I had lots of lovely shots of things in the garden to choose from today, but was probably going to go with a shot of the chive flowers.... Then my memory card disappeared. Weird huh? It usually goes straight from camera to card reader, but wasn't in the camera when I went to get it, so I'd obviously already taken it out.
Anyway, this drippy yellow flower is on my desk, so you can have that (it being the closest to hand of the list of "11.30pm desperation blips" I have in the back of my mind. Weird flower though: when you water it (in the soil, as normal) water drips of the ends of the flowers and leaves about 20 minutes later. What's that all about?
Waiting for some friends to arrive from London, so it might be a quite weekend comments-wise. But Mr B is away most of next week (bad for me, good for my time on blip) so I'm looking forward to catching up then.
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