After dark

Spent the day in Manchester virtually on the first day of the new course. Nineteen others from all over the country and a real mix of backgrounds so it made for an interesting bunch. Bob was good, he’s been doing this for a long time and had a rather nice, effortless way of introducing the first task, modelling it, reflecting on it and then getting us to do it and repeat the process. My husband would have been delighted, Bruner in action.

I’ve been eking my Norfolk week out with some brown shrimps for lunch and I’ve just made some smoked eel pate to go with my blend of Norfolk and Cumbrian leek and potato soup.

Having descended into complete radio silence on 2 October I had a text from my old landlord at lunchtime with apologies for not replying due to medical appointments this week and saying that he will reply after dark. He’s obviously got the recorded delivery letter of intent. Hearing from him makes me feel sick and his texts always manage to feel subtly threatening.
Reflecting more on ‘home thoughts’ I realise it is just a house to him, not a home.

I did enjoy looking at Arachne/Marj’s combined blip and it sent me off on a Walt Whitman wander ...

‘Out of the rolling ocean the crowd’

Out of the rolling ocean the crowd came a drop gently to me,
Whispering, ‘I love you, before long I die,
I have travell’d a long way merely to look on you to touch you,
For I could not die till I once look’d on you,
For I fear’d I might afterward lose you.’

Now we have met, we have look’d, we are safe,
Return in peace to the ocean my love,
I too am part of that ocean, my love, we are not so much separated,
Behold the great rondure, the cohesion of all, how perfect!
But as for me, for you, the irresistible sea is to separate us,
As for an hour carrying us diverse, yet cannot carry us diverse forever;
Be not impatient – a little space – know you I salute the air, the ocean and the land,
Every day at sundown for your dear sake, my love.

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