'Transport Statistics Greater Manchester 1994'

I had an enjoyably busy day, today: coffee first thing with Dom (to hand over the 'Swamp Thing' books); then a coffee with Steve, whose birthday it is; a guitar lesson with Paolo; and then lunch with the Minx at Salford Art Gallery.

I like the gallery, although I wish the café tried a bit harder, and I always enjoy a browse in the shop by the entrance. Today, I saw this on the 'Sale' rack, which is not a lost album by The Fall, as you might reasonably expect, but an actual book: 'Transport Statistics Greater Manchester 1994'. I kind of wish I'd bought it.

After that, I took the train up to Lancaster to meet Dan, and we had a couple of pints at the pub at the station before taking the 81 up to Kirkby Lonsdale. Lord, that is a tortuous bus route.

But then it was straight into Spice Essence for a fantastic curry, before meeting Abi in the Kings Arms for a drink.

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