Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Wednesday— Dinner

Two weeks ago I participated in a free online class from the School of Traditional Skills that focused on making bone broth
and gravy. I think I was mostly curious because I wondered how bone broth is made. I was skeptical, though, of even taking the time for the class because cooking is not my passion.

My passion, though, is enjoying a good meal with others. One of the best moments every day is the conversation, the camaraderie, experienced at a dining table.

The class was instructed by Sally Fallon Morrell and after she spoke about making chicken bone broth, she went on to explain how to make gravy, but she first showed how to roast a “pasture raised” chicken, and then she made gravy from the drippings. By the time the class was over, I was so hungry.

For the past two weeks I’ve been researching where to find “pasture raised” chicken to purchase. I’ve been scoring a zero. Then Mr. Fun found a whole organic chicken at Trader Joe’s, which is not “pasture raised,” but still worthwhile.

So today was the day. I watched the replay of the video and then carefully stepped into the action. An important step is to splay the chicken by cutting the back open so all the skin is exposed. The instructor spoke about the nutritious value in the skin and in the fat. Really? I was stunned. I found most of the information very interesting.

Once I put the chicken in the oven this afternoon, this house filled with aroma. When the chicken was finished cooking, I successfully made gravy, and our dinner was delicious and a victory for this gal who is not fond of cooking. I made rice because I didn’t have potatoes in the house; the gravy on the rice was delicious. Steamed zucchini was our veggie.

And that’s my Wednesday,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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