Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Camera, Light, Action

Camera, Light, Action

It was a lovely day, hitting a high of an unbelievable 23 degrees. This is extremely warm for the 'polar' north. The garden is springing to life in a blast of colour. It is led by the peach Acer tree, now nearly in full foliage. Simultaneously, the tulips burst into intense reds and whites. There is a mass of yellow and then blues from plants of unknown origins. The fish start feeding and the herons watch greedily.

A few days ago I was startled by something rustling behind the leylandii. A brown furry animal jumped out and I realised it was a fox. It seemed trapped in the garden and it was around 11am in the morning, full daylight. The poor animal then ran around the garden trying to find an exit, growling a little in fear and desperation. Luckily it found a small gap in the fence and scurried off through the other gardens to wherever it lives up on the fields perhaps. That was a first, a fox in daylight in our garden. We certainly get some wildlife in our garden, but never any squirrels for some odd reason.

So, a warm sunny day, and a picture of the big fir tree, the peach Acer tree, and some tulips in the background.

More to come we hope - and Wigan lost !!!! The NE clubs, hopeless though they are, may even escape the drop....

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