After a blip or two on the subject of "Sock-sexing" I thought this a wee bit comical/appropriate.
Another great bit of weather, stuck to shopping and hassling weeds. Gaffer made a "Fruit Malt" loaf a la Paul Hollywood, I vastly prefer it to Soreen© "Other clarty, sticky, lumps are available".
I was told persuaded to invest in a set of easily sexed sox from a well-known M&Store. Clown that I am (SHUT UP you) I saw that Sunday appeared @ one end ... ergo Sat>Fri>Thu>Wed> "Aha! must be this pair." WRONG!
I'm delighted to say you can't see ANY of the incriminating evidence when worn. Unless, of course, you're wearing Jesus-boots alias Desert wellies.
Ooooops they were, very nearly "Dessert wellies".

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