
Tasty? Well If you eat meat and quite like pies . . . maybe. Then look at the Extra and you might change your mind. What a blast from the past! We used to eat these pies and liked them . . . in the dim and very distant past.

Gordon found this tin in the cupboard. Why he had it there I don’t know, it had nothing to do with me. I wonder if it was during the pandemic, remember the days when lockdown was just a rumour and we got the idea that we were going to be kept inside and we felt we had better stock up the larder. I suspect that Gordon saw these, remembered them and thought it might be a good thing to have in for an emergency,

Anyway he decided to have it for lunch before he set off for the football. I declined the offer of sharing it with him, I had looked at the list of ingredients . . .

Then . . .

. . . he returned to the kitchen and put it in the bin. Now G can eat anything - he buys pies at football games! But this he couldn’t eat - he said it was tasteless and had a very peculiar texture. He set to and made a sandwich, mumbling as he sliced bread - at least I know what is in this.

And this was the ‘improved recipe’ - what on earth did we used to eat. Thank goodness he only bought one tin.

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